Canada Posts


Austronesian culture rises to the surface

Austronesian culture is unearthed by archeological discoveries that are displayed at the National Museum of Prehistory.

" According to current research, Taiwan is at the northern end of the vast area in which Austronesian languages are spoken, which stretches to Easter Island in the east, Madagascar in the west and New Zealand to the south. Some researchers even believe that Taiwan may be the "original land" or "ancestral land" for all the peoples who speak Austronesian languages on the islands in the South Pacific and Indian oceans."

"The language used by Taiwanese Aboriginal people is also an Austronesian language, so the country's 400,000 Aborigines are Taiwan's representatives of the Austronesian people."
Link to the Taipei Times article

Experts differ over origin of ancient pictographs

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"Recently, Jorge H. Jimenez, a UTEP scholar who has taught at the University of New Mexico, told a group of journalists and others meeting at Casa Mayapan that there are indications that the prehistoric pictographs are Mayan or were influenced by the Mayans.

The late anthropologist Kay Sutherland Toness, a noted scholar who used to teach at El Paso Community College, and Polly Schaafsma, a rock painting expert in Santa Fe, have said that Mesoamerican cultures influenced the prehistoric pictographs that might date from A.D. 620 Mesoamerican cultures, include the Mayans, Aztecs and Mixtecs."

Link to full article


Southernmost Illinois History

Mississippian Era - Cahokia Moundbuilders
"While Europe was in the Dark Ages, and crusaders fought holy wars, a Native American culture thrived in Southwestern and Southernmost Southern Illinois. They were known as the Mississippian Moundbuilders."
And for more topics, like the Lois & Clark expeditions, check the left menu.

Follow this : Mill Creek chert, Millstone Bluff, Kincaid Mounds: 900-1550 A.D.


Lighthouse added to registry of historic places

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'A lighthouse south of Ketchikan has been added to the National Register of Historic Places in recognition of the beauty and style of the 1935 Art Deco building and the role it played keeping mariners off the rocks as they navigated the Inside Passage'.

'Tree Point Light Station, a 76-acre rocky site on the west coast of the mainland at the southern entrance to Revillagigedo Channel, less than 10 miles from Canadian waters, began beaming its light in April 1904'.
URL news site:Historic Light House


New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago

"The findings are significant because they suggest that humans inhabited North America well before the last ice age more than 20,000 years ago, a potentially explosive revelation in American archaeology"
The revelation of an even older date for Topper is expected to heighten speculation about when man got to the Western Hemisphere and add to the debate over other pre-Clovis sites in the Eastern United States such as Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Pa., and Cactus Hill, Va

Follow this :New Evidence Puts Man In North America 50,000 Years Ago:


Ancient Indian mounds

Some sites and relics left by Louisiana's First People are older than the Pyramids and Stonehenge

"A small red jasper owl figure, no bigger than a thumb tip, turns up in a river bed in the Withalacoochee River in Tampa, Fla. Another is found in the Yazoo Basin north of Greenville, Miss. A third appears along Bayou Bodcau in Bossier Parish.

What these three pot-bellied owls have in common is that they were sculpted approximately 3,500 years ago by some of the most ancient settlers to inhabit North America. These were the people of the Poverty Point culture, prehistoric ancestors of Indian nations such as the Caddo, Tunica and Choctaw."

Ancient Indian mounds


Sunken ships reveal secrets

Variety of wrecks found by underwater archaeologists working in Potomac River's Virginia creeks.
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Photo by Mike Morones / The Free Lance-Star
Volunteer diver Tim Jeffas of Leonardtown, Md., measures the wreckage of what is believed to be a 19th-century schooner in Nomini Creek. Link : - Sunken ships reveal secrets

Eyonymon Cemetery in Athens

During the excavations for the new Athens tramway system a grave stone and grave statues were brought to light. They have proven the exact place in Hellenicon, a southern suburb of Athens, where the cemetery of the ancient demos (district) of Eyonymon was located.

By the way, you have discover another domain of archaeology wich include History and Art, at : ANISTORITON Journal of History, Archaeology, ArtHistory



"Jeffers Petroglyphs, located about eight miles northeast of Jeffers, was honored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation during its week-long 2004 National Preservation Conference in Louisville, Ky."

Link --> Jeffers Petroglyphs


Historical Archaeology :

In the XVII century, Captain Jame Cook came to Newfounland for exploration. He made an establishment at Plum Point on the northwest coast of the land. This place is 100 miles south in the strait of Belle-Isle where the Norsemen (Vikings) came 600 years before Capt'n Cook at Anse aux Meadows!  Posted by Hello


La sélection naturelle ?

Il y a lieu de se demander, si ce n'est pas une modification à la sélection naturelle que des scientifiques australiens sont en train de développer dans le domaine sportif.
À quand l'utilisation de l'ADN pour créer des individus adaptés pour être des juges olympiques, des chefs d'états....ou des idiots ???


Des épaves romaines découvertes au large de Capri

Des archéologues travaillant au large de l'île italienne de Capri ont découvert les épaves de trois navires antiques qui assuraient les liaisons entre Rome et ses colonies d'Afrique du nord.
Les épaves ont été découvertes par 130 mètres de fond dans le Golfe de Naples, selon la chaîne privée Canale 5, qui a diffusé des images sous-marines vendredi, montrant notamment les piles d'amphores utilisées par les Romains pour transporter les denrées périssables. Associated Press (AP)

Lire la nouvelles : Des épaves romaines découvertes au large de Capri

Artifact looting ruins Cambodia's archaeology sites

At a bustling market in the capital city, Cambodia's heritage is being sold off: ancient beads are snapped up at two for US$1, while US$15 buys a 3,500-year-old stone tool.

Sales of such antiquities are booming at markets across the kingdom, robbing it of a rich history archaeologists are only beginning to study after decades of conflict ended here in 1998.

Ceramic pots and bronze bracelets may seem innocuous spoils compared with the stunning statuary prized by "tomb raiders," but their theft from underground sites means Cambodia's prehistory is being irretrievably lost, experts say.

"Most archaeologists are not really interested in finding a giant statue of Buddha or a single magnificent artefact. We're interested in spatial context," says Kyle Latinis, a US archaeologist specializing in Southeast Asia.

For items such as humble beads or tools to be useful to historians, they must be studied and assessed while still in the ground.

For the entire news : Artifact looting ruins Cambodia's archaeology sites


Archaeologia Bulgarica is a four-month journal (thrice a year; 20 x 28 cm, ca. 100 pages per a number) which provides a publishing forum for research in archaeology in the broadest sense of the term. There are no restrictions as to time and territory but the emphasis is on Southeastern Europe.

Objective: Interdisciplinary research in archaeology.
Contents: articles, reviews and news.
Languages: English, German and French.

Link : Archaeologia Bulgarica

Stupa, murals found in Bamiyan

"Researchers have been over Bamiyan site of ancient Buddhist relics with a tooth comb. Yet on Wednesday a Japanese team reported the first discovery in 40 years of new cave murals.The paintings found in the Dauti area of Afghanistans Bamiyan Valley in June are near the remains of two giant Buddha statues destroyed by the Taliban in March 2001.The team from the National Research Institute for Cultural Properties also confirmed during field work conducted June 15 to 29 that a 2.5-meter tall enclosure in the Bamiyan Valley was an old stupa site."
Link : Muraille peinte en Afghanistan:


Systematics in Prehistory

For a complete book online about Systematics (classification, taxonomy and statistical) go to :Systematics in Prehistory by Robert C. Dunnell; Hypertext version 1994 by Carl P. Lipo and Mark E. Madsen. Recommended for archaeologist and student's.


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Encyclopédie gratuite sur le thème de l'Archéologie

En effet, sur ce site :Archaeology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia vous pouvez consulter de nombreuses infos. et actualités du domaine de l'archéologie (en plusieurs langues, dont en francais).
Un site facile à consulter pour des références et d'une standardisation (type blog) exemplaire.


JYP - JCD - AM - around a meter square discussing about archaeology Posted by Hello

Archaeological Season 2004

Archaeological digging near Blanc-Sablon river Posted by Hello


Hum ! Voilà un nouvel outil pour un avenir encore plus prometteur pour ce blog ! Posted by Hello


Archéologie du Futur

Ce que les archéologues du futur retrouveront lors de recherches sur nos sociétés contemporaines, risque de ressembler fortement à ces artefacts de La Culture Matérielle Industrielle qui constitue notre monde depuis la révolution industrielle.
À voir ces images prises sur une île occidentale du Japon, plusieurs intérogations des archéologues pourraient se convertir en théories sur l'abandon des lieux. D'autres élaboront des mythes, des histoires à dormir debout. Quoi qu'il en soit, ceci est une exemple parmi tant d'autres, qui pourrait confondre les plus audacieux !! De plus, voir les explications de ce visiteur de ces lieux archéologiques de l'Archéolgie du Futur


Blog on/sur blog

Depuis mon dernier séjour, le monde de l'Archéologie a continué à faire de nombreuses découvertes et s'est diversifié. Mon intérêt pour les tech's and tool's pour mieux gérer le domaine de l'archéologie continue de grandir, de plus, la diversité de sources électroniques(numériques) s'est considérablement mis à jour. En voici un exemple de source (rss-feed) sur l'archéologie et l'Internet :Internet Archaeology - Electronic Journal.

Vous trouverez sur cette page, également un 'fil de news' que vous pouvez coupler à votre aggrégateur de nouvelles, tel NetNewswire, Blogger, Bloggar, etc. Bonnes nouvelles !


Forum sur l'Archéologie (Suisse)

Du nouveau sur le Web, un forum international sur l'archéologie, maintenu par une équipe Suisse.
Vous pouvez vous abonner et participer à :Archaeology : Forum : Archéologie :.

De plus, profitez-en pour découvrir les facettes : Expositions, événements, institutions relatives à l'Archéologie Suisse
à cette adresse : L’archéologie suisse.


Les premiers Nord-Americains ?

Traces of Ancient Hunters Found in Siberia: "A people who may have been ancestors of the first Americans lived in Arctic Siberia, enduring one of the most unforgiving environments on Earth at the height of the Ice Age, according to researchers who discovered the oldest evidence yet of humans living near the frigid gateway to the New World.

Russian scientists uncovered a 30,000-year-old site where ancient hunters lived on the Yana River in Siberia, some 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle and not far from the Bering land bridge that then connected Asia with North America."