Canada Posts



'Within the research strand, 'next' will focus on the practical and the overlap between research and content production with an emphasis on commercialization potential. For example, one session will feature a demo of a new touch screen, 3D imaging technology, developed within the Artificial Perception Laboratory at the University of Toronto. 'The presentation will be a jumping off point for a model of how commercialization of such technologies can provide an extra revenue stream to content producers.'

The system utilizes novel methods in artificial intelligence and electrical engineering, and provides for a simple method of navigating through a large database of images and videos. Potential applications include multi-camera shooting of movies, visual archaeology and data storage, as well as online 3-D visualization and scene exploration.

Link : nextMEDIA

Arizona Archaeological Society

'The Arizona Archaeological Society was founded in 1964 as an independent, non-profit, state-wide volunteer organization to serve as a bond between professional archaeologists and avocational nonprofessional volunteers in order to foster interest and research in the archaeology of Arizona; to encourage better public understanding and concern for archaeological and cultural resources; and, to protect antiquities by discouraging exploitation of archaeological resources.'

Link: Arizona Archaeological Society


Archaeological Institute of America

'The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) is North America's oldest and largest organization devoted to the world of archaeology. The Institute is a nonprofit group founded in 1879 and chartered by the United States Congress in 1906. Today, the AIA has nearly 9,000 members belonging to 102 local societies in the United States, Canada, and overseas. The organization is unique because it counts among its members professional archaeologists, students, and many others from all walks of life. This diverse group is united by a shared passion for archaeology and its role in furthering human knowledge.'
Annual Meeting :
Annual Meeting

Full detail of this Institute :
Archaeological Institute of America - About the AIA - Who We Are



38th Annual Canadian Archaeological Association Conference
38e Congrès Annuel de l'Association canadienne d'archéologie

CAA 2005 to Nanaimo, BC
May 11-15, 2005

CAA 2005 is hosted by the Department of Anthropology, Malaspina University-College in Nanaimo, BC.  The meeting venues are the Best Western Dorchester Hotel and the Coast Bastion Inn; the distance between the two is just a quick 5-minute walk. 

This site will be constantly updated as new information becomes available : Canadian Archaeological Association - CAA 2005