Canada Posts


The Ontario Archaeological Society

Partners to the Past: Making Connections in the Ottawa River Valley
2005 Symposium, November 3, 4 and 5, 2005
Petawawa, Ontario
"The programme will feature themed and general sessions including an overview of the Ottawa River Valley's archaeological heritage, the role of the Ottawa River in the economic development of Canada, and contributed papers from our

Link to : OAS 2005 Symposium


Hunters find skeleton, could be 2,000 years old

"Discovery of a 2,000-year-old human skeleton through natural erosion is uncommon, but there is little scientific value associated with the American Indian remains unearthed recently in northeast Nebraska, the head of archaeology for the State Historical Society said Wednesday. Hunters found the remains three weeks ago in the hills near Newcastle. "

By ScottsbluffGering, Nebraska
Link : Hunters find skeleton, could be 2,000 years old


Ancient graves cast new light on history News - Sci-Tech -

"ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed more than 200 medieval skeletons on a farm. The graves were discovered when a farmer struck bones while ploughing a field near North Berwick, East Lothian. Archaeologists have described the find as 'extremely interesting'. They have also uncovered the remains of a chapel, thought to be medieval or older and a number of other artefacts including medieval ring brooches. The discovery was made at Auldhame Farm near Tantallon Castle."

Read this at : Ancient graves cast new light on history

Sixtieth anniversary of D-Day

The truth about the Second World War
-- By Alan Woods

''The story of D-Day has been told many times. It has made a powerful impression on the public through films such as The Longest Day and, more recently, Saving Private Ryan. The recent celebrations, accompanied by a steady stream of television documentaries, have revived the stories about the heroic invasion of France, the terrible cost in human lives, the sacrifice and the bravery. All of this is true. But it does not tell anything like the full story.''
Read this :
The truth about the Second World War


Fouilles archéologiques à Price

La municipalité de Price effectue présentement des fouilles archéologiques sur les terrains où seront construits ses futurs bassins d'épuration.

Il y a plus de 8000 ans les lieux étaient fréquentés par plusieurs tribus amérindiennes. Jusqu?à maintenant, une tête de couteau fabriquée dans de la pierre gaspésienne a été trouvée.

Une fois les fouilles terminées, d?ici une semaine, la municipalité ira en appel d?offres pour la reconstruction de son système d?aqueduc et d?égouts et la construction de ses bassins d?épuration. Des travaux de 7M$.

Les travaux attendus depuis 1986 devraient prendre fin à l?automne 2006.

Extrait vidéo (Windows Media): Fouilles archéologiques à Price


Defender of the faith revered

Paris-born Jesuit wove Catholicism into the fabric of Quebec

"Prominently displayed on the south choir wall of the ancient abbey church of St-Germain-des-Pres on Paris's left bank is a hand carved, polychrome bas-relief that commemorates an important event in the history of Canada and the Canadian Church. The scene portrayed is the consecration there of new Bishop Francois de Montmorency-Laval by Rome's Papal Nuncio on Dec. 8, 1658. Who was this cleric and why is he remembered there rather than in a cathedral ?''

Special to the WCR
Quebec City, Que
Follow this : Blessed Francois de Laval

Bizkaiko Arkeologia eta Euskal Herriko Etnografia Museoa

"The Archaeological, Ethnographic and Basque History Museum of Bilbao : The museum is divided into a number of different sections: prehistory, fishing and the sea, the history of sheep farming, the iron and arms industries, trade and traditional arts and crafts such as ceramics and weaving.
The Archaeological, Ethnographic and Basque History Museum of Bilbao, situated in the old part of the city, next to the church of Santos Juanes, occupies the old Jesuit school of Jesueta de San Andres (1604) and the former Casa de Misericordia.
The museum is divided into a number of different sections: prehistory, fishing and the sea, the history of sheep farming, the iron and arms industries, trade and traditional arts and crafts such as ceramics and weaving. The exhibition is complete with an impressive model of the province of Bizkaia and there are a number of excellent pieces of popular furniture and religious artefacts on display throughout the museum.

Plaza Unamuno, 4
48008. Bilbao
tel. 94- 415 54 23 y 94- 416 92 46

Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday: 11 AM to 5 PM
Sunday mornings: 11 AM to 2 PM
Mondays and holidays: Closed

Ticket prices
School visits and groups of more than 20, must be booked in advance
Cost per person: 3 euros
Students and groups (10 ): 1.5 euros
Children of under 10 years of age and pensioners: free of charge
Day of the museum, Thursdays: free of charge

LINK : The Archaeological, Ethnographic and Basque History Museum of Bilbao

In the footsteps of Benedict Arnold

"Arnold, then still loyal to the American cause, left Cambridge, Mass., with his troops on Sept. 11, 1775; the force arrived outside the walls of Quebec two months later. The ensuing
battle, which began in a blinding New Year's Eve snowstorm, ended in defeat for the Americans. But perhaps more than the outcome, the 350-mile expedition is remembered for hardships the soldiers endured as they rowed and marched their way up the Kennebec valley, an ordeal popularized by Kenneth Roberts in his 1930 novel, 'Arundel.'

Link : Daily Facts - Historical